Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Start Slow

     So becoming fully organic from, well, not being organic at all, is a bad idea. Your body has all kinds of crap in it right now and it will mess your whole system up and you won't enjoy it at all.  Therefore, two pieces of advice to get started.  First of all, start by going natural.  Secondly, do a toxin cleanse first.
     Going Natural....This is almost as beneficial as going organic.  You will be able to purge out processed food and get rid of excess fat and sodium packed into food.  Purely organic food means that no chemicals and pesticides have been used on the produce or animals that you are eating.  So, there is still bacteria, however, going natural is still better than the way you eat now! :) So this means everything you eat, you make.  No Ragu Spaghetti sauce, no PastaRoni, no Mac n Cheese, no frozen pizza, you get the point, right?
     Toxin Cleanses...Generally these can be very dangerous and some are highly ineffective.  But, not mine! I'm all about safety and efficacy. It's a three day process in which we cleanse our bodies from the toxins that build up over time, especially in America's eating habits.  Our liver is the organ that is designed to take waste out of our blood stream, and it can be very worn down if we aren't careful with what we eat.  This can decrease the ability for it to help our immune system.  So a cleanse every now and then, if done right, can be beneficial for our bodies, especially as the weather becomes colder and the flu becomes popular! It will be somewhat uncomfortable and the first day especially is miserable, but just hold tight.  It's only three days. It's not a eating style that should be done for long.
If you have questions about why the foods are on the list, place a comment and I will answer, however, I won't be explaining every food, just trust me :)

Day One
Half of a grapefruit
Hot water with honey
5 grapes
Apple Juice: Simply Apple is the only kind at the stores I agree with. Otherwise, invest in a juicer.
Morning Snack
Hot water with a whole lemon juice and honey
10 grapes
10 ounces of V8 Vegetable Juice
2 pieces of dried fruit
Large bowl of dark green leaves (spinach, romaine, other leafy, no iceberg)
5 slices of cucumbers
1 tbsp dressing: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Juice of whole lemon, pepper
Apple and 10 grapes
Hot water with honey

Congrats, move on to Day Two.

Day Two
1/2 Grapefruit
Hot water with Honey
10 grapes
Apple Juice
Mid Morning Snack
Vegetable Juice
Large Dark Green Salad. Add 8 almonds
15 grapes
Baked potato, plain
1/2 cup baked beans, sugar free
apple juice

(your digestive track will be shifting on day two..good luck)

Day Three..Yay! You made it through the worst!

1/2 cup plain oatmeal
4 almonds sliced
1/2 grapefruit
Apple Juice
Hot water with honey
Mid Morning Snack
V8 Juice
Hot water, (its the last time, yay)
1/2 cup baked beans
15 grapes
1/2 c. black beans
1/2 whole wheat tortilia
Apple Juice

YOU ARE DONE! I know it was miserable, I am actually in the middle of Day 1, and it is awful, but it;s only three days. It's good for you, I promise!!
Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
After this, begins the natural diet which is so fun, so get excited!!!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Hey my internet is finally working so I accessed the blog. This cleanse looks scary! but I think I might do it :)